Wednesday, December 15, 2010

KOH sizzle montage

Choreographed a tv pilot about male strippers. This is a montage of the more 'bump and grind' footage. I created specific movement profiles based on each actor's character. The veteran was confident and barely giving anything to be sexy whereas the underage kid was swinging from the pole and going crazy. The silver spoon dude who didn't need the money was just stripping to show off. Etc. Bits of choreo here and there but mainly character and making sure the actors looked authentic and comfortable. And sexy. Probably NSFW.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Guest class WIN!

So I'm working in Orlando and I become aware of an amazing underground dance group. From taking class in New York, I made friends with the OCU mafia (a network of dancers from a conservatory that are dedicated to training and having fun). Apparently, in school they started a 'secret dance class' which was a place to play and explore in a judgement free zone. They'd teach each other and mess around in a totally supportive environment. The faculty was not okay with the dancers seeking outside training, so they kept it on the dl. After graduation, these dancer-warriors kept the tradition alive bringing the pick-up fun classes to NYC and, apparently, Orlando.

When I first came down, I took a session taught by an amazing hip-hop dancer. The sponsor of the group invited me to teach class sometime and FINALLY we were able to work it out. I had a few notable successes with this class. First, it's the longest class I've taught so far. We started around 8:50 and wrapped up by 11:15. Full warm-up with stretching/technique, ab workout, and combo with plenty of time to refine. I love feeling like I can talk about specifics in the choreography! Second, it's the biggest class I've had the chance to teach. True, I was a guest teacher at an established group but I brought 5 people from my cast who thought I was worth learning from. 13 students! And I handled it and kept it moving! WIN! Finally, I introduced at least 3 or 4 people to their very first musical theater dance class. It's amazing taking people from a ballet or modern background and showing them how much fun/free/specific theater dance can be. Storytelling/acting through movement is truly my passion and it was a joy to be able to share that with newbies. Oh, and I got to teach a combo that's been kicking around my head and I haven't been able to set on people yet. So seeing the movement on someone else's body was a definite treat.

All in all, a great class and a great step forward in my teaching/choreography career! Hope you like the combo, I know we did!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Official video-Sunday Interlude, NYC

It's my first post in a bit. I've been busy doing the 'performer' thing instead of the 'choreographer' thing. Working on a holiday show at Walt Disney World is giving me the chance to stretch some underused dancer muscles and build up the bank account. Unfortunately, it's not giving me the chance to really work on my own combos. I've decided to use the time to overhaul my marketing materials so that come 2011 I can submit a polished package. New reel(s), new website, and new seamless edits of my work.

I finally got the videographer's footage from the Band of Gypsies showcase and have been playing around with my imovie program. It's amazing the difference an abrupt transition or a bad crop job can make in the flow of a video! Putting this version together was my own personal trial-by-fire class in film editing and I learned so much. Good thing too, because I have the feeling I'll be doing many more of these in the future. So here it is at last, the best representation of this duet I can come up with based on the footage I have at my disposal. I love this piece and, if given the chance to set it again, will do my best to get HD footage. It really makes a difference. Until then, I present...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I love a challenge!

So I think I have something to offer as a choreographer. If I didn't think my stuff was pretty hot, I wouldn't be putting it online for the world to see. This week I got another in a string of rejection letters. I applied to the DanceBreak program. Submitted a resume and application. And got denied. I didn't even get the chance to show a reel with samples of my work. I've seen people who come through that program. I've seen reels that they submit for that program. I think that even at this early stage in my career, my steps and story structure are totally comparable. Yes I have things to learn, but I won't get the chance to learn them without the opportunity to do work. So I set myself a challenge. I'm going to be a monster at submitting myself. I will send resumes to regional theaters and summerstock. I will get friends together and stage full numbers (or at least portions of numbers) to put on tape in a non-class format. And I WILL make it farther in the DanceBreak process next year. Congrats to this year's pool! Now watch your back, I'm comin' for ya!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Class "It Had Better Be Tonight"-Spice

Here's a new class combo I've been working up. I decided after seeing "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" that it'd be smart to have a little latin flavor in my back pocket. I love some sexy social dancing and this routine gave me the chance to work out some intricate footwork which is always a challenge. That and to just live/sell some dirty spice. I think it's pretty frikkin' hot! Can't wait to stage it on some luscious fiery dancers...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunday Interlude Pics

The shots from the Band of Gypsies concert finally came out and there are a few stunning ones that really capture some gorgeous moments in the piece. Just thought I'd share.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class Sugar Baby Bounce-Ladies with legs

Starting to feel some real momentum! In honor of a special request to do a ladies combo (and as practice for the upcoming La Cage chorus call) I decided to challenge myself to create a routine outside my comfort zone. I choreographed in heels and was lucky enough to have three ridiculously good dancer friends show up. We stretched, we strengthened, and we tipped. By the end of class, we were all pretty worn out but they obliged me by selling it a couple more times so I could get the number on tape.

I have to say I am incredibly grateful to have a network that is so willing to go on camera and help me out. And that is so talented that they make my insane combos look fantastic. I can't believe I'm actually building up a library of my routines in all different styles so that in the future I can submit to a project and say "oh, by the way, for this number I'm thinking something like..." and throw them a link to MY choreography in an appropriate world for that specific show. I'm really embarking on this journey! And I've got talented people in my corner who want me to succeed! Feels real good. Enjoy my "Sugar Baby Bounce!"

Monday, September 27, 2010

1 step back, 2 steps FORWARD!

My last post I was getting down. But you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again! I taught class again. Some things were bugging me about the "Fascinating Rhythm" combo (specifically the last couple 8 counts), so I went back in the studio and made it better. And then I taught class. And I had students! Plural! 2 fabulous dancers showed up. I was literally freaking that I'd rented space again and would just have to bite the bullet, but they came and we danced. They brought the combo to life and it was so fantastic but they didn't want to be put on vid so I was content to just let the dance live in that moment.

And I teach again tomorrow. In honor of the La Cage equity chorus call coming up, I decided it would be a fun challenge to teach a class specifically for the ladies. I wanted to challenge myself to craft a fantastic combo in heels, break out of my comfort zone and see what happens. I just found a great pair of character shoes in the lost and found so I have the tools for those auditions (La Cage, Priscilla) that want the men to dance like girls. It's not the world I live in, but it's a world I'm capable of bringing to life. And tomorrow I already have a couple girls who rsvp'd. Still waiting to see if any boys are brave enough to take the heels for a spin. After the frustration of two weeks ago, it's nice to feel some forward momentum! Heading to the gym to work on the combo and have some fun!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Class "Fascinating Rhythm"-I threw a party and nobody came

So I've started being proactive about pickup class. After my first class (Band of Gypsies-Snuff that Girl) got some great facebook feedback, I had a second. And I got 4 students. From one person to four! Awesome growth. And I taught. And the warm up was fierce. And the combo was fun/sweaty and a bit too much. I was throwing so much choreo out that my friends had trouble keeping up. So I wanted to refine. People had a blast but I wanted to give them the chance to really get a handle on the combo.

I built this routine so that we could talk storytelling and detail. I rented space. I sent out emails. I showed up. No one. Zip. And I was frustrated. The whole point of me teaching was to take ownership of my career and get my work out there. I had a gorgeous studio and no one to work with. So I gave myself class. I went through my entire warmup and stretched out, then I got my camcorder out and taped myself doing the combo. But I was frustrated. And a little over it. And it shows.

Now I know I need to publicize better. I need to make SURE someone is there. But at least I have this combo on tape for a future class. It'll be fun to pull out of my back pocket when I need it. Tricky timing. There are a couple things half-assed in the vid. Some moves are supposed to travel and they're stationary. Legs on kicks should be higher/straighter. The turns at the end are ideally doubles. Whatev, I made something today. It's not perfect, but at least it exists. Today was a rough day but it's still a step in the right direction.

Disregard the last 4 counts of 8. They've been made better.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Band of Gypsies-Sunday Interlude, NYC

I can't begin to say how proud I am of this number. Band of Gypsies marked my NYC debut as a solo choreographer presenting my work. It was also the first time I've been able to choreograph for dancers. The process really stretched me as an artist and I loved every minute of it.

I first approached Chip Abbott and Tiffany Ocvirk about dancing for me and when they agreed I was totally thrilled. I've been in class and auditions with them for a while and both are truly incredible performers. We had a number of rehearsals and I constructed the piece around their abilities. Then, four days before the concert, Chip was forced to pull out of the number. I was booked solid for the next couple days with other projects (In Between Men shooting, Andy B. intensive). We scrambled to find a cover and lucked out with the unbelievable Cort Larson, a friend of Chip's. I was unfamiliar with his work, but when he came in and learned the entire piece in one rehearsal I knew that he would be totally fantastic.

I couldn't have done this one without so many great people in my corner. Thanks to Katrina Philip for bringing Band of Gypsies together and asking me to be a part of it without knowing my work as a choreographer. Thanks to Chip for creating and being an amazing assistant/videographer when he couldn't be in the show. And thanks to Cort and Tiffany, my radiant dancers. You made this everything I wanted to be.

PS-This is a rough edit with my personal footage. Official videographer video coming in the future.


This is the new and improved official edit.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Class "Snuff That Girl"-I taught my first dance class EVER!!!!

Band of Gypsies is a wrap. I am so grateful for everything. There will be a future post with the piece and a recap, but suffice to say there was drama putting the number together but after a hard push and massive dedication from some fantastic dancers, we did it and it was wonderful. And to finish out the program, all the choreographers from the series were invited to teach a class.

I've never taught before. This was the kick in the pants I needed to get my personal warm-up in order and to structure a class. So I did my homework. And I got to the studio. And I had one person show up. And I gave him class. And it was thrilling. Dancing with friends is always fun, and being able to find my way as a teacher in a no pressure situation was exactly what I needed. So this is my first class combo. We're tired and sweaty but we're giving it. Enjoy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Debuting a new piece!

You can catch my choreography live! On August 30 and 31st I'll be presenting a beautiful number at the choreographic showcase Band of Gypsies. Katrina Phillip is putting together an evening of dances by choreographers who are also performers on the elite musical theater circuit. I'm currently in rehearsals for my number "Sunday Interlude, NYC" with the lovely Tiffany Ocvirk and Chip Abbott and I can't even begin to describe how thrilled I am with the way things are shaping up. Come see it in person at St. Luke's on 46th between 8th and 9th ave. August 30-1 at 8. More information at and on facebook here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ghosting Trial #2-FAIL

First self-aknowledged FAIL. So I had a rehearsal with Tiff today and when we finished early, I wanted to play around and get a little footage to mess with. The plan was to riff on a whole Cupid/Psyche story, but because of the camera angle and mirror it doesn't read at all. So that part of the footage was a big old fail. I still wanted to play with the ghosting concept and have a few successes with this one though. #1-interaction between a solid body and a fading person is possible. #2-layering the crossfades to get multiple afterimages instead of just one. Fun stuff to explore w/ that. And #3-I made Tiff fly across the room! Pretty nifty possibilities to keep exploring!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ghosting Trial #1

This is the first post in a series where I'll play around with the idea of 'ghosting.' Afterimages, disappearances, floating, divergences. The goal is to start out with simple studies and to eventually work towards fully choreographed phrases using the editing effect to heighten the message. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it from getting gimmicky and cliche. We'll see. I look forward to the challenge!

First Post-The First Reel!