Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class Sugar Baby Bounce-Ladies with legs

Starting to feel some real momentum! In honor of a special request to do a ladies combo (and as practice for the upcoming La Cage chorus call) I decided to challenge myself to create a routine outside my comfort zone. I choreographed in heels and was lucky enough to have three ridiculously good dancer friends show up. We stretched, we strengthened, and we tipped. By the end of class, we were all pretty worn out but they obliged me by selling it a couple more times so I could get the number on tape.

I have to say I am incredibly grateful to have a network that is so willing to go on camera and help me out. And that is so talented that they make my insane combos look fantastic. I can't believe I'm actually building up a library of my routines in all different styles so that in the future I can submit to a project and say "oh, by the way, for this number I'm thinking something like..." and throw them a link to MY choreography in an appropriate world for that specific show. I'm really embarking on this journey! And I've got talented people in my corner who want me to succeed! Feels real good. Enjoy my "Sugar Baby Bounce!"

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