Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Official video-Sunday Interlude, NYC

It's my first post in a bit. I've been busy doing the 'performer' thing instead of the 'choreographer' thing. Working on a holiday show at Walt Disney World is giving me the chance to stretch some underused dancer muscles and build up the bank account. Unfortunately, it's not giving me the chance to really work on my own combos. I've decided to use the time to overhaul my marketing materials so that come 2011 I can submit a polished package. New reel(s), new website, and new seamless edits of my work.

I finally got the videographer's footage from the Band of Gypsies showcase and have been playing around with my imovie program. It's amazing the difference an abrupt transition or a bad crop job can make in the flow of a video! Putting this version together was my own personal trial-by-fire class in film editing and I learned so much. Good thing too, because I have the feeling I'll be doing many more of these in the future. So here it is at last, the best representation of this duet I can come up with based on the footage I have at my disposal. I love this piece and, if given the chance to set it again, will do my best to get HD footage. It really makes a difference. Until then, I present...

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