Monday, September 27, 2010

1 step back, 2 steps FORWARD!

My last post I was getting down. But you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again! I taught class again. Some things were bugging me about the "Fascinating Rhythm" combo (specifically the last couple 8 counts), so I went back in the studio and made it better. And then I taught class. And I had students! Plural! 2 fabulous dancers showed up. I was literally freaking that I'd rented space again and would just have to bite the bullet, but they came and we danced. They brought the combo to life and it was so fantastic but they didn't want to be put on vid so I was content to just let the dance live in that moment.

And I teach again tomorrow. In honor of the La Cage equity chorus call coming up, I decided it would be a fun challenge to teach a class specifically for the ladies. I wanted to challenge myself to craft a fantastic combo in heels, break out of my comfort zone and see what happens. I just found a great pair of character shoes in the lost and found so I have the tools for those auditions (La Cage, Priscilla) that want the men to dance like girls. It's not the world I live in, but it's a world I'm capable of bringing to life. And tomorrow I already have a couple girls who rsvp'd. Still waiting to see if any boys are brave enough to take the heels for a spin. After the frustration of two weeks ago, it's nice to feel some forward momentum! Heading to the gym to work on the combo and have some fun!

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