Thursday, October 21, 2010

I love a challenge!

So I think I have something to offer as a choreographer. If I didn't think my stuff was pretty hot, I wouldn't be putting it online for the world to see. This week I got another in a string of rejection letters. I applied to the DanceBreak program. Submitted a resume and application. And got denied. I didn't even get the chance to show a reel with samples of my work. I've seen people who come through that program. I've seen reels that they submit for that program. I think that even at this early stage in my career, my steps and story structure are totally comparable. Yes I have things to learn, but I won't get the chance to learn them without the opportunity to do work. So I set myself a challenge. I'm going to be a monster at submitting myself. I will send resumes to regional theaters and summerstock. I will get friends together and stage full numbers (or at least portions of numbers) to put on tape in a non-class format. And I WILL make it farther in the DanceBreak process next year. Congrats to this year's pool! Now watch your back, I'm comin' for ya!

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