Saturday, December 11, 2010

Guest class WIN!

So I'm working in Orlando and I become aware of an amazing underground dance group. From taking class in New York, I made friends with the OCU mafia (a network of dancers from a conservatory that are dedicated to training and having fun). Apparently, in school they started a 'secret dance class' which was a place to play and explore in a judgement free zone. They'd teach each other and mess around in a totally supportive environment. The faculty was not okay with the dancers seeking outside training, so they kept it on the dl. After graduation, these dancer-warriors kept the tradition alive bringing the pick-up fun classes to NYC and, apparently, Orlando.

When I first came down, I took a session taught by an amazing hip-hop dancer. The sponsor of the group invited me to teach class sometime and FINALLY we were able to work it out. I had a few notable successes with this class. First, it's the longest class I've taught so far. We started around 8:50 and wrapped up by 11:15. Full warm-up with stretching/technique, ab workout, and combo with plenty of time to refine. I love feeling like I can talk about specifics in the choreography! Second, it's the biggest class I've had the chance to teach. True, I was a guest teacher at an established group but I brought 5 people from my cast who thought I was worth learning from. 13 students! And I handled it and kept it moving! WIN! Finally, I introduced at least 3 or 4 people to their very first musical theater dance class. It's amazing taking people from a ballet or modern background and showing them how much fun/free/specific theater dance can be. Storytelling/acting through movement is truly my passion and it was a joy to be able to share that with newbies. Oh, and I got to teach a combo that's been kicking around my head and I haven't been able to set on people yet. So seeing the movement on someone else's body was a definite treat.

All in all, a great class and a great step forward in my teaching/choreography career! Hope you like the combo, I know we did!

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