Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Class Sugar Baby Bounce-Ladies with legs

Starting to feel some real momentum! In honor of a special request to do a ladies combo (and as practice for the upcoming La Cage chorus call) I decided to challenge myself to create a routine outside my comfort zone. I choreographed in heels and was lucky enough to have three ridiculously good dancer friends show up. We stretched, we strengthened, and we tipped. By the end of class, we were all pretty worn out but they obliged me by selling it a couple more times so I could get the number on tape.

I have to say I am incredibly grateful to have a network that is so willing to go on camera and help me out. And that is so talented that they make my insane combos look fantastic. I can't believe I'm actually building up a library of my routines in all different styles so that in the future I can submit to a project and say "oh, by the way, for this number I'm thinking something like..." and throw them a link to MY choreography in an appropriate world for that specific show. I'm really embarking on this journey! And I've got talented people in my corner who want me to succeed! Feels real good. Enjoy my "Sugar Baby Bounce!"

Monday, September 27, 2010

1 step back, 2 steps FORWARD!

My last post I was getting down. But you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again! I taught class again. Some things were bugging me about the "Fascinating Rhythm" combo (specifically the last couple 8 counts), so I went back in the studio and made it better. And then I taught class. And I had students! Plural! 2 fabulous dancers showed up. I was literally freaking that I'd rented space again and would just have to bite the bullet, but they came and we danced. They brought the combo to life and it was so fantastic but they didn't want to be put on vid so I was content to just let the dance live in that moment.

And I teach again tomorrow. In honor of the La Cage equity chorus call coming up, I decided it would be a fun challenge to teach a class specifically for the ladies. I wanted to challenge myself to craft a fantastic combo in heels, break out of my comfort zone and see what happens. I just found a great pair of character shoes in the lost and found so I have the tools for those auditions (La Cage, Priscilla) that want the men to dance like girls. It's not the world I live in, but it's a world I'm capable of bringing to life. And tomorrow I already have a couple girls who rsvp'd. Still waiting to see if any boys are brave enough to take the heels for a spin. After the frustration of two weeks ago, it's nice to feel some forward momentum! Heading to the gym to work on the combo and have some fun!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Class "Fascinating Rhythm"-I threw a party and nobody came

So I've started being proactive about pickup class. After my first class (Band of Gypsies-Snuff that Girl) got some great facebook feedback, I had a second. And I got 4 students. From one person to four! Awesome growth. And I taught. And the warm up was fierce. And the combo was fun/sweaty and a bit too much. I was throwing so much choreo out that my friends had trouble keeping up. So I wanted to refine. People had a blast but I wanted to give them the chance to really get a handle on the combo.

I built this routine so that we could talk storytelling and detail. I rented space. I sent out emails. I showed up. No one. Zip. And I was frustrated. The whole point of me teaching was to take ownership of my career and get my work out there. I had a gorgeous studio and no one to work with. So I gave myself class. I went through my entire warmup and stretched out, then I got my camcorder out and taped myself doing the combo. But I was frustrated. And a little over it. And it shows.

Now I know I need to publicize better. I need to make SURE someone is there. But at least I have this combo on tape for a future class. It'll be fun to pull out of my back pocket when I need it. Tricky timing. There are a couple things half-assed in the vid. Some moves are supposed to travel and they're stationary. Legs on kicks should be higher/straighter. The turns at the end are ideally doubles. Whatev, I made something today. It's not perfect, but at least it exists. Today was a rough day but it's still a step in the right direction.

Disregard the last 4 counts of 8. They've been made better.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Band of Gypsies-Sunday Interlude, NYC

I can't begin to say how proud I am of this number. Band of Gypsies marked my NYC debut as a solo choreographer presenting my work. It was also the first time I've been able to choreograph for dancers. The process really stretched me as an artist and I loved every minute of it.

I first approached Chip Abbott and Tiffany Ocvirk about dancing for me and when they agreed I was totally thrilled. I've been in class and auditions with them for a while and both are truly incredible performers. We had a number of rehearsals and I constructed the piece around their abilities. Then, four days before the concert, Chip was forced to pull out of the number. I was booked solid for the next couple days with other projects (In Between Men shooting, Andy B. intensive). We scrambled to find a cover and lucked out with the unbelievable Cort Larson, a friend of Chip's. I was unfamiliar with his work, but when he came in and learned the entire piece in one rehearsal I knew that he would be totally fantastic.

I couldn't have done this one without so many great people in my corner. Thanks to Katrina Philip for bringing Band of Gypsies together and asking me to be a part of it without knowing my work as a choreographer. Thanks to Chip for creating and being an amazing assistant/videographer when he couldn't be in the show. And thanks to Cort and Tiffany, my radiant dancers. You made this everything I wanted to be.

PS-This is a rough edit with my personal footage. Official videographer video coming in the future.


This is the new and improved official edit.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Class "Snuff That Girl"-I taught my first dance class EVER!!!!

Band of Gypsies is a wrap. I am so grateful for everything. There will be a future post with the piece and a recap, but suffice to say there was drama putting the number together but after a hard push and massive dedication from some fantastic dancers, we did it and it was wonderful. And to finish out the program, all the choreographers from the series were invited to teach a class.

I've never taught before. This was the kick in the pants I needed to get my personal warm-up in order and to structure a class. So I did my homework. And I got to the studio. And I had one person show up. And I gave him class. And it was thrilling. Dancing with friends is always fun, and being able to find my way as a teacher in a no pressure situation was exactly what I needed. So this is my first class combo. We're tired and sweaty but we're giving it. Enjoy!