Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Class "Fascinating Rhythm"-I threw a party and nobody came

So I've started being proactive about pickup class. After my first class (Band of Gypsies-Snuff that Girl) got some great facebook feedback, I had a second. And I got 4 students. From one person to four! Awesome growth. And I taught. And the warm up was fierce. And the combo was fun/sweaty and a bit too much. I was throwing so much choreo out that my friends had trouble keeping up. So I wanted to refine. People had a blast but I wanted to give them the chance to really get a handle on the combo.

I built this routine so that we could talk storytelling and detail. I rented space. I sent out emails. I showed up. No one. Zip. And I was frustrated. The whole point of me teaching was to take ownership of my career and get my work out there. I had a gorgeous studio and no one to work with. So I gave myself class. I went through my entire warmup and stretched out, then I got my camcorder out and taped myself doing the combo. But I was frustrated. And a little over it. And it shows.

Now I know I need to publicize better. I need to make SURE someone is there. But at least I have this combo on tape for a future class. It'll be fun to pull out of my back pocket when I need it. Tricky timing. There are a couple things half-assed in the vid. Some moves are supposed to travel and they're stationary. Legs on kicks should be higher/straighter. The turns at the end are ideally doubles. Whatev, I made something today. It's not perfect, but at least it exists. Today was a rough day but it's still a step in the right direction.

Disregard the last 4 counts of 8. They've been made better.

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