Sunday, September 5, 2010

Band of Gypsies-Sunday Interlude, NYC

I can't begin to say how proud I am of this number. Band of Gypsies marked my NYC debut as a solo choreographer presenting my work. It was also the first time I've been able to choreograph for dancers. The process really stretched me as an artist and I loved every minute of it.

I first approached Chip Abbott and Tiffany Ocvirk about dancing for me and when they agreed I was totally thrilled. I've been in class and auditions with them for a while and both are truly incredible performers. We had a number of rehearsals and I constructed the piece around their abilities. Then, four days before the concert, Chip was forced to pull out of the number. I was booked solid for the next couple days with other projects (In Between Men shooting, Andy B. intensive). We scrambled to find a cover and lucked out with the unbelievable Cort Larson, a friend of Chip's. I was unfamiliar with his work, but when he came in and learned the entire piece in one rehearsal I knew that he would be totally fantastic.

I couldn't have done this one without so many great people in my corner. Thanks to Katrina Philip for bringing Band of Gypsies together and asking me to be a part of it without knowing my work as a choreographer. Thanks to Chip for creating and being an amazing assistant/videographer when he couldn't be in the show. And thanks to Cort and Tiffany, my radiant dancers. You made this everything I wanted to be.

PS-This is a rough edit with my personal footage. Official videographer video coming in the future.


This is the new and improved official edit.

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