Sunday, August 18, 2013

Looping vs. Looping

The NEW YORK JAZZ CHOREOGRAPHY PROJECT gave me the chance to reinvestigate "Looping".  In a majority of the dances I present, I'm rehearsing under the gun.  Paying for studios, getting friends to dance for me for low/no pay, doing my best to work calmly and cleanly.  I don't like taking advantage of people's time (which they're mostly donating), so I generally put things up quick and dirty and let the cards fall where they may.  This was the first piece I got to step away from for a bit and rediscover.  Distance is crucial.  I could see what was working, what wasn't, and revisit.  The one thing I couldn't control was cinematography.  I'm not overly pleased with the video.  Focus issues, missed moments, lack of closeup.  But it was out of my hands.  The CHOREOGRAPHY part of things feels like a success.  Clarification of moments.  More intricacy.  Better set-up at the beginning.  A sculpted lighting design.  Cleaner.  Here for the first time I an present a side-by-side comparison of the evolution of a piece.  Very proud of this dance.

First, the original...

Now, the new and improved...

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