Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Choreographed my first music video

So a gig kinda just fell into my lap.  I got asked to do a couple short sequences for a music video by an up and coming artist.  Danny Blu has a VERY specific aesthetic, think Adam Lambert meets Lady Gaga.  Out there/aggressive.  And because this musical theater guy believes in being chameleonic, I thought...absolutely.  Let's go there.  So I got busy in the studio and came up with something fierce.  And we shot in a church.  A CHURCH!  Full-throttle dance throw-down on the alter!  It was insanity.  Second day of the shoot we did some work in a stairwell and I got to do some visual texturing.  Brief movement moments that looked great on camera but weren't quite 'ography.'  It was an incredible experience working in a completely different medium and getting to play in that world.  I want more!

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