Thursday, August 30, 2012

Oooopsie. I'm a bad blogger.

     So it's been months since I've posted.  And that's okay.  I've been working.  But now I think it's time to catch up.  Logging in to write this post, I saw that this little blog has 1028 page views.  So SOMEONE is paying attention, which is awesome!  I'm not really aware of any other choreographers documenting their projects in this way, and I think it's helpful to see the evolution of a career with much more information than a line on a resume can illustrate.  So hopefully the posts will be coming fast and furious until I'm up to date.  But as a teaser, here's the list of work to come.....

-video highlights from Are You There, Ann-Margaret?  It's Me!

-SDC Observership with Susan V. Booth on Ghost Brothers of Darkland County

-premiere of "Looping", a new piece, with The Choreographer's Canvas

-assistant directing Broadway Bares: Beach Burlesque

-assisting on "Goldilocks" and performing in "Pied Piper" for Broadway Bares: Happy Endings

-performing the lead and choreographing "Pharmaceutical: The Musical" for TinyRhino

-directing "Good Men.  Bad Men.  Very Bad Men." for the Insomniac's 24 hour play festival

-choreographing my first music video, "Sebastian", for artist Danny Blu

and a couple projects that are still being developed and will be making appearances in the future.  More music videos, revisiting previous dances at new venues, and one super special project that I'm developing from scratch.  It is still in total infancy stages, but I just want to put it into the universe in some form that people who are interested in my work can discover on their own and ask me about.  Romantic's Requiem.  I think it is going to become something stunning.  In a couple years.  But the seed has been planted.

That's all for now.  A teaser.  And a preview of things to come.  I'm back on top of making this online tool an actual resource.  A peak into my creative process.  Because I think I'm doing some pretty cool work and would love to find other people who feel the same and want to help me do more of it.  Yay original art!  And yay online presence!  I'm back.